Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kate's Eats

For those of you that don't know me this may freak you out a tad...

I eat mustard.
I mean I eat JUST mustard.
with a spoon.
and sometimes carrots or pickles or peanut butter.
I have done this since High School.
Kinda odd, I know buuut don't care.

So, the other day I thought "hmmm....I wonder if I can make mustard?"
Thanks to the internet and a grocery store I set out to make my own mustard.

Now, I decided to start with a grainy brown mustard because it is the easiest to make and brown mustard seeds are the cheapest.
Best to start out small me thinks.

So, I bought just one little jar of brown mustard seeds (there are also black and yellow).
Poured that into 1/3 cup cider vinegar. I am sure any type of vinegar would work. Cider just sounded interesting to me.

I then let that sit overnight.
As it was relaxing and absorbing the liquids I was working, crazy kitchen dancing, facebooking (you know it), trying to figure out if my brother is still alive since he never calls or texts, missing my Monster, and vastly enjoying feeling "single".
I mean, come on, we SAW A MOVIE!!!!
It felt naughty.

Then I cried because I miss my Monster.
True story.

Ok, back to the mustard which.... now smells AMAZING!
I want to eat it as is buuut even that is a little weird for me.

So instead I removed half of it and ground it in the coffee grinder with some white wine and a teeny bit of mustard and garlic powder.
I considered adding some dill or cayenne pepper but I figured that was getting a tad ahead of myself.

After a delicious taste test...
I added that into the whole mustard seeds and whisked them together.

A taste test...

Needs a pinch of salt...
and ooookay, I gave in and added some dill...

and what else?
Me thinks brats, sauerkraut, a toasted bun, and a side of an easy-peasy baked potato.

eek! bad lightening!

slightly better...

I rocked the hell out of Rachel and her 30 minute meals this evening.
I will now go and collapse on the couch in a stupor.

Just for the record.... NOT having the Monster is actually making me more exhausted.
Yes, I just said that.
Mostly because I think to myself... "gee, D doesn't get home till 9 pm, I don't have to pick Little O up from the sitter so I should stay late and work".
Brilliant plan until I realize that being there for 14 hours kinda sucks, no matter how much you love your job and still have a 45 minute commute.

Also, just for the record...toddler fire engine beds were not, in fact, made for 5'6 Mommas.

So here is dinner...

And here are some pictures of precious little Monster that I miss ever so much!

Naked in a basket...

Chillin...watchin some Horton...

How could I not miss this Monster??

And someone please tell me when he stopped being a baby and started being a little boy!
Did I miss the memo?

Also, please note the massive tumble he took and smashed his face.
We WILL play football.
And not just any football.
We will play TEXAS football.


JCRHarris said...

What movie did you see?
The mustard looks super yummy!
And do the brats, but I'm biased because that's one of my fav foods ever.
Take a bath... without toys.
You'll be OK :)

Elsa said...

I was just telling my sister the other day how much I love mustard. But I don't think I would ever eat it alone, my love is not as big as yours. haha I do have to try making my own now.

And I LOVE that you made BRATS now that you're toddler free. When Ali was gone, I thought I would make tons of food that he doesn't like and enjoy it.... but nope. Honestly, cooking is always fun but when there is no one there to enjoy it (well, Mimi, but she rarely eats), the fun decreases a bit.... or maybe I was just depressed.