Saturday, March 5, 2011

50 Day Challenge

50 Day Challenge
Someone that Inspires You


There are a great number of people that inspire me.
I mean for crying out loud...the mother in sweats and a pony tail inspires me to remember to shower.
The overweight nurses at St. David's Hospital this morning inspired me to exercise.
The 3 piles of laundry at the top of the stairs inspired me to fold them.

But, I'm not so sure ya'll want to read about how inspiring wrinkled jim-jams are.

So, I laid in bed last night thinking.
Who haven't I blogged about that is truly important to me.
Who has inspired me.
I could go through the usual..
oliver, family, Frida, grammie.

Then I thought of someone from my past that has stayed with me...

Todd and Tiffany.
I worshiped them.
Wanted to be them when I "grew up".
Whatever that means. I'm still waiting to grow up.

But, I especially looked up to Tiffany.
I even took up the fiddle because I wanted to be more like her.

She is hysterical.
She has this laugh that I don't think I can describe.
It's infectious.
She is very earthly and natural.
She has this calm about her that indicates a deep inner peace.
Something I also don't have.
But for as calm as she seems she is a HOOT!
I remember just laughing and laughing and laughing.
and throwing candy corn and laughing.
In fact, there is going to be candy corn with peanuts at the wedding just because of that night with Todd and Tiffany and the great candy corn war.

Tiffany taught me something very important about myself.

She taught me that it's okay to be me.
She didn't say "be yourself" or any other stupid cliche.
She SHOWED me that it's okay to be yourself.

She entered my life when I was a rebelling teenager.
I could've fallen into a bad crowd (as many teens do as they pull away from family) but I found Tiffany (and the rest of the gang...Richard, Terri, Sarina, Bob, Sherri, Terry, The McManigell's etc etc etc).

But of all of them I looked to Tiffany.
I have one very specific memory.
To get to the bathroom you had to go through their bedroom.
I stopped and picked up an antique mirror she had on her night stand (bad Kate).
It was positioned so perfectly on a piece of lace, next to a soft lamp.
I was about 16yo and I thought "this is who I want to be and this is the life I want".

Oddly enough, she's a social worker too
and has a son.
Can I play fiddle like her?
okay, and some more... hahahahahaha.
no. I stink.

But I do still greatly admire her.
She's inspiring and I can still hear that laugh.
even if it has been years.
and she loves dragonflies too.

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