Monday, August 22, 2011

A Post About Not Posting

I haven't posted lately.
My bad.
I miss ya'll and my deepest apologies.
I just know that you wait patiently with trepidation and excitement for each post.
Why haven't I posted lately one might ask.
There is no other reason than this...
(Before forewarned that you may been to roll your tongue back into your mouth and pick your jaw up off the floor.)

I seem to have nothing to say.

My Grammie is rolling over in her grave, my Mom is being taken to the ER for hysterical laughter treatment, and D's eyes won't stop rolling.

It's true!

I can't think of anything to say.

So I blog to you tonight with nothing to say.

I say... "nothing".

Thank you and have a great evening.
I'm here all week.

1 comment:

JCRHarris said...

Love it! I think it's only natural to run out of things to say! Get some rest :)