Friday, December 31, 2010

Thorns, Roses, and Rosebuds

Casondra (be sure to check out her sometimes sad, sometimes hysterical, but always moving and inspiring blog) insisted hat I participate in this meme do to my huge headaches, massive amounts of what feels like overwhelming stress, and my very terrible ulcer.

After reading her Thorns, Roses, and Rosebuds and then reading Jana's Thorns, Roses, and Rosebuds I thought it might be a wise decision for 2011.

I'll start with my thorns (because that often seems to be what comes to mind first).
(boo and double boo)
  • My job is VERY stressful and takes me away from my Little O far more than I care for. Sometimes I want to sit at work and literally just cry.

  • I've never admitted this on my blog but I have for many years struggled with eating issues. I love to cook and try new foods but I never eat a full plate and I count calories obsessively. It's a constant struggle to not dwell on my weight. Since starting the new job (where I'm on my feet a lot) I've lost a lot of weight and the stress of the job has caused me to use not eating as a form of stress release.

  • I won't go into this thorn too much because it's a tad too personal but I've been having troubles getting pregnant and seeing all my friends having babies is very hard. I have a new found respect for women that struggle with infertility. I am therefore very grateful that I participated in egg donation last year and helped three families have children.
Now for my roses:

  • Need I say more. He is the biggest, most brilliant, goofy red rose ever. He is the reason I do just about everything I do. He never fails to make me smile and he always, always makes me laugh and fills my heart with a love like I've never known.
  • D. He is pretty much the complete opposite of me. But is totally works. Well, that and he eats anything I feel like trying. (He doesn't live liver pate though and that is a travesty). He is the calm to my storm and has the best arms to curl up in. My rose is that I'm proud to have said YES! to his proposal and proud to stand by his side.
    This picture describes him perfectly. He is quite, serene, yet ever strong and present.

  • My last rose is my kitchen and all the fun, creativity, and relationships (not to mention the yummy food that goes on in there. Even from miles away (macskip).
Lastly my rosebuds:

  • The biggest is my pending wedding to D on 10/15/2010. I'm actually having fun planning and organizing. All my family will be there, it will be a week off of work, and a time to focus on my family and not on a paycheck.
  • I also plan on improving my health and, most importantly, reducing my stress.It's pretty clear from my current state of strung out that some stress management skills are much needed.
  • Lastly, I plan on finishing up the work on Three Forks Ranch, continuing my love affair with my fiance, watching my Little O become a Big, Little O, and finding another job (yes, I'm on the hunt).

Love to All.
Happy New Years!
Drink, Eat, Be Merry!


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